Saturday, January 24, 2015

EDU 270 Lesson 1

I have heard references to a lot of information over the years about stress and its effects on the body and the brain.  I had not ever completely organized all of the bits and pieces into a cohesive thought about what that would mean to me, for me, or for anyone with whom I might come into contact.
After reading the information, and viewing the videos, it all sort of began to make more sense as to why everything covered so far in this class is actually relevant in everyday life.  It is sort of like hearing that you need 8 hours of sleep every night.  You ambiguously listen and file it away thinking you might make an effort, but it is sort of academic.  After reading about how every interaction is an experience, and every experience can actually shape brain architecture, it seems more obvious that thoughtfully approaching every class is not just about subject matter.  It seems a little intimidating, but now it is clear that as a teacher, you are not just educating but setting the tone for how each kid will proceed in life. 
As far as a practical application, I think that the information about trying to reduce stress and encourage interaction through more small group activities might be the thing that I would most want to incorporate.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suzanne,
    This information is so important for teachers to help their students be as successful as possible in school and in their life.
    The early years have such a strong impact and that can be well before a child even gets to school.
    Of course as teachers we don't have control over our student's home life and environment outside of school. But knowing this information will help us understand our students better. The videos do help pull all of this information together. I'm glad that this was helpful for you :o)
