Saturday, January 31, 2015

Blog Assignment 2

I watched the videos and was pretty amazed at the impact of absence of sensory data to the brain.  I had heard of cochlear implants previously and just thought that modern medicine had worked wonders and isn't that great.  To find out that if children don't receive the implant prior to 3.5 years it might mean the difference in hearing versus not hearing was pretty stunning.
As a future teacher, the information in the videos makes me wonder what the procedure is for intervention.  If I notice anything about future students that sends up a red flag about a vision or hearing problem, I would assume that I would contact the school nurse as a starting point.  But, while noticing and citing a potential problem is crucial, I would hope any school that I would work for would give guidance on how to proceed.
I would think that the parents are a logical contact step, but a lot of information that I have read in just the past couple of weeks reminds that not every kid has mom or dad. 
I know from personal experience that the school nurse screens for any number of issues, so I can't help but think that this is the correct resource?  Hopefully?  This is tying into another class about classroom organization - that pretty much states you need to have everything prepared before day one and know your procedures if you want to function smoothly.
Once again, all of the material that we reviewed was very interesting.  I am, however, a little unnerved about the kitten experiment.  I know it is for medical advancement, but cannot imagine being in the lab and having to suture some tiny kitten's eye shut.  Teaching sounds so much better than lab technician right about now.

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne,
    Early detection is really the key! Teachers can be sure to watch for signs of issues with hearing and vision. There can be issues at any age, so this is really important! My daughter started having vision problems when she was in college. This was the first sign of any problem.
    This information is great for teachers to know so they can be doing things to help their students and watching for warning signs. It is also super information for parents! I'm with you on the kitten!
